Tdingo allows individuals/ players to create sports clubs.

The sports currently supported are: Cricket, Badminton.

Searching a sports club

You can search a club by its name, the sport the club is associated to and the location the club is based. Follow below steps to search for a club
1. Click on the magnifying glass .
2. Enter Search Parameters.
3. Tdingo will provide you suggestions and trending searches while you provide your input.
4. Hit enter or the magnifying glass again.
5. The search results will be presented in the clubs tab. If no results are found alternatives will be shown.

Joining a sports club

To join a club follow below steps.
1. Navigate to club page. You can reach the club page by searching for the club. Please see Searching a sports club
2. Click on the Join button.
3. If there is no joining fees the appropriate club membership will be added to your profile straightaway.
4. In case of a joining fee, clicking on Join will present the different membership options available to your profile. The associated fees will be displayed as well
5. Select on the desirable membership option by clicking Join
6. Upon successful payment the membership will commence instantly. You will receive the details of your club membership on your registered email address.

Creating a sports club

Sports Clubs on Tdingo can offer memberships, organise sports events and sports tournaments. Sports Club can be created by an individual (profile) user. If you are logged in as a club or a team please see Swtiching Profile to swich your profile to an individual. Sports Club can be created by following below steps.
1. Click on icon. On desktop this on top right corner of the page. For mobile it in the center of the bottom pane.
2. Select Sports Club
3. Fill the required information. The information required is
        a. Club Name
        b. Club Description
        c. Club Home Location
        d. Club Sport Association - Current options are Cricket or Badminton. Select Non Sporting Club if not associated to sports.
4. Click on Submit.
5. Upon successful creation, your profile will be switched to the club for completing further set up. You will be navigated to the Club's profile management page.
6. On Club's profile management page you can
        a. Change club logo
        b. Change club wallpaper
        c. Update club one line summary
        d. Add club's website and social channels like facebook, twitter, instagram etc.
7. To update the above click on or select Edit Profile from page options

Assigning a club admin

Assigning club admin allows club owners to deletegate a large portion of their responsibilites to the admins. The club admins will have access to switch their profile as an admin, access to the club's profile page, conversations, bank-account, event/ tournament creation and assigning new members.
1. Navigate to club page. You can either search for the club using the club name or by clicking View profile on Club's profile page
2. Navigate to Members tab.
3. Find the member you wish to create as an admin. You can search for the member using the search options within the Members tab.
4. If you are the logged in as the owner of the club or an admin you will be able to see Add member name as club admin option.
5. Select the option.
5. The club member will be assigned the admin responsibility.
5. In order to remove the club member as admin, select Remove member name as club admin option for existing club admins .

Creating Memberships

Memberships for a club can be free or paid. You also have option to create monthly, quarterly, yearly or life membership
1. Ensure that you are logged in as the admin of the club owning the event. Navigate to Products
2. Click on icon. This allows you to add products like entry fees (tickets), merchandise, spectator pass etc.
3. Select Membership.
4. Select length. You have the following options:
        a. 1 Month
        b. 1 Quarter
        c. 1 Year
        d. Life Time
5. Provide remaining required information:
        a. Title
        b. Description
5. Click on Save. The membership product will be created for the club.
6. If you wish to create memberships of different lengths, please repeat the steps from 1-6.
7. Click on Add Fee
8. Select if the fees is applicable to club members or non-members.
9. Provide required information:
        a. Amount
        b. Currency
        c. Start Date
        d. End Date
10. Click on Save

Creating Events

Please navigate to Creating sports events section in Sports Events steps to create a sports event

Switching Profile

If you have been assigned an admin for a club or have created a team, you would have the ability to switch to the club or the team profile respectively.
1. Click on the hamburger menu.
2. Select the profile you wish to switch to.
3. Click Switch.

Searching for a sports event

To create a challenge follow below steps.
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on Create Challenge.
3. Fill the required information.
4. Click on Create.
5. The challenge video will be uploaded to YouTube. You will receive an e-mail once the video is available.

Enrolling for a sports event

To create a challenge follow below steps.
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on Create Challenge.
3. Fill the required information.
4. Click on Create.
5. The challenge video will be uploaded to YouTube. You will receive an e-mail once the video is available.

Creating a one-off sports event

To create a single occurrence sports event follow below steps.
1. If the event is owned by a club, please switch profile as the club. For profile switching please see Switching Profile under Sports Club. If the event is intended to be owned by an individual please ensure you are logged in as an individual
2. Click on icon. On desktop this on top right corner of the page. For mobile it in the center of the bottom pane.
3. Select Sports Event
4. Ensure Event organiser is the same entity owning the event.
5. Fill the required information. The information required is
        a. Event Name
        b. Event Description
        c. Event Wallpaper (This can't be changed once the event is created.)
        d. Event Location
        e. Start date & time for the event
        f. End date & time for the event, if not a full day event.
        g. Registration end date, if any.
        h. Single Event will be pre-selected.
        i. Event is free or paid. A free event can't be made paid after creation. The tickets for paid events will be created later.
6. Click on Submit.
7. Upon successful creation of the event, the event homepage will be shown. The event will be in design status
8. If you had selected paid event at step5. ticket creation will be required. Please see Creating Tickets section for steps to create tickets.
9. If you had selected free event at step 5. ticket creation is not required.
10. Click on verticle ellipsis next to event name to open Event options section
11. Select Publish event to activate the event from Event options
12. You can share the event using the share option from event options section

Creating an event series

To create a single occurrence sports event follow below steps.
1. If the event is owned by a club, please switch profile as the club. For profile switching please see Switching Profile under Sports Club. If the event is intended to be owned by an individual please ensure you are logged in as an individual
2. Click on icon. On desktop this on top right corner of the page. For mobile it in the center of the bottom pane.
3. Select Sports Event
4. Ensure Event organiser is the same entity owning the event.
5. Fill the required information. The information required is
        a. Event Name
        b. Event Description
        c. Event Wallpaper (This can't be changed once the event is created.)
        d. Event Location
        e. Start date & time for the event
        f. End date & time for the event, if not a full day event.
        g. Registration end date, if any.
        h. Select Event Series. The frequency and the number of events in the series will be created later.
        i. Event is free or paid. A free event can't be made paid after creation. The tickets for paid events will be created later.
6. Click on Submit.
7. Upon successful creation of the event, the event homepage will be shown. The event will be in design status
8. If you had selected paid event at step5. ticket creation will be required. Please see Creating Tickets section for steps to create tickets.
9. If you had selected free event at step 5. ticket creation is not required.
10. Click on Series section
11. Select the event frequency from the below options:
        a. Once - Only existing occurence will be retained
        b. Daily - An event will be scheduled daily at the same start time and duration until the end date or occurences provided
        b. Weekly - An event will be scheduled weekly for the selected days at the same start time and duration until the end date or occurences provided
        b. Monthly - Not available at the moment
        b. Yearly - Not available at the moment
12. Verify and confirm the occurences identified
13. Click on verticle ellipsis next to event name to open Event options section
14. Select Publish event series to activate the event from Event options
15. You can share the event using the share option from event options section

Creating Tickets

Creation of tickets is allowed only for paid event. Please ensure Banking information is updated before creating tickets. For help on updating Banking Details please navigate to Banking Details under Payment Processing & Fees
1. Ensure that you are logged in as the admin of the club owning the event. Navigate to Products

2. Click on icon. This allows you to add products like entry fees (tickets), merchandise, spectator pass etc.
3. Select Single Entry Ticket. If the event is a series, an option for All Event Entry Ticket will be present. This allows your audience to book all the event in the series at a different price.
4. Provide required information
5. Click on Save. The product (Event Ticket/ All Event Entry Ticket) will be created for the event.
6. Click on Add Fee
7. Select if the fees is applicable to club members or non-members.
8. Provide required information:
        a. Amount
        b. Currency
        c. Start Date
        d. End Date
9. Click on Save

Marking Attendance

This feature is under development at the moment.

Managing Event Statuses

Event statuses allows you to manage event registrations. You can pause the event if the event is not ready.
1. Click on verticle ellipsis next to event name to open Event options section.
2. Click on Pause if the event is live.
2. Click on Publish if the event is paused or in design stage.
2. Click on Publish all events if the event is paused or in design stage.

Event Reports

The following reports are available to event owners and admins.
1. Event Registration Detail Report :
2. Event Payments Detail Report :
3. Event Attendance Detail Report :
4. To access above reports, navigate to Reports.
5. Click on .

Tdingo allows individuals/ players to create sports clubs.

The sports currently supported are: Cricket, Badminton.

Creating a new challenge

To create a challenge follow below steps.
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on Create Challenge.

3. Fill the required information.
4. Click on Create.
5. The challenge video will be uploaded to YouTube. You will receive an e-mail once the video is available.

Scheduling a Challenge

Challenges can be created in advance and can be auto-activated at a later date.
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on Create Challenge.
3. Fill the required information.
5. Enter a future start date.
6. Click on Create.
7. The challenge video will be uploaded to YouTube. You will receive an e-mail once the video is available. Challengers will be able to take the challenge past start date.

Pausing a challenge

Pausing a challenge will restrict challengers from taking the challenge.
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on Created under Challenges.
3. Navigate to the challenge you wish to pause.
4. Click on edit.
5. Click on pause.

Un-Pausing/ Re-launching a challenge

A paused challenge can be re-launched by following below steps:
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on Created under Challenges.
3. Navigate to the challenge you wish to re-activate.
4. Click on launch.

Deactivating a challenge

Deactivating a challenge will make the challenge invisible from Tdingo. Challengers will be unable to take, like or comment on the challenge. Please note this action cant be undone.
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on Created under Challenges.
3. Navigate to the challenge you wish to pause.
4. Click on edit.
5. Click on deactivate.
6. You will receive an e-mail confirming the de-activation. The linked YouTube video will be deleted in upto 5 days.

Taking a challenge

To take a challenge you have to be logged in. Tdingo supports videos as challenge performances.
1. Navigate to the challenge.
2. Click on take. If you havent logged-in, you will be prompted to login.
3. Click on browse to browse to your performance video or capture you performance video.
4. Provide description of your performance.
5. Click on submit.
6. The challenge performance video will be uploaded to YouTube. You will be notified on your profile once the performance video is live.

Re-taking a challenge/ Uploading a new performance

In case you wish to retake a challenge that you have already performed, you can upload a new performance. The new performance will overwrite the previous performance and the previous performance will be deleted.
1. Navigate to the challenge.
2. Click on take. If you havent logged-in, you will be prompted to login.
3. Click on browse to browse to your performance video or capture you performance video.
4. Provide description of your performance.
5. Click on submit.
6. The challenge performance video will be uploaded to YouTube. You will be notified on your profile once the performance video is live.

Deleting a performance

Deleting a performance for the challenge will remove the performance from under the challenge. Please note this action cant be undone.
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on completed under Challenges.
3. Navigate to the challenge performance you wish to delete.
4. Click on delete.

Search, recommendations and trends

There are many ways to use search on Tdingo. By searching for keywords or hashtags, you can follow find challenges of the same name or description or user who have created challenges you be interested in.

Trending challenges

Trending challenges are determined by an algorithm and present the most popular challenges on Tdingo currently. The actual no. of takers for the challenge may differ as the alogrithm determines a challenge to be trending based on current period instead of its historic uptake.

Recommended challenges

Recommended challenges appear on your profile page. They are also determined by an algorithm and, by default, are tailored for you based on the challenges that you have taken or performed. This algorithm identifies challenges that are popular now, rather than challenges that have been popular for a while or on a daily basis, to help you discover the most trending challenges of your interest on Tdingo.

Featured Challengers

Featured Challengers is Tdingo Leaderboard of the most active challengers on Tdingo. If you are on it, Wohoo! You are THE PERFORMER!

Tdingo allows individuals/ players to create sports clubs.

The sports currently supported are: Cricket, Badminton.

Creating a new challenge

To create a challenge follow below steps.
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on Create Challenge.

3. Fill the required information.
4. Click on Create.
5. The challenge video will be uploaded to YouTube. You will receive an e-mail once the video is available.

Scheduling a Challenge

Challenges can be created in advance and can be auto-activated at a later date.
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on Create Challenge.
3. Fill the required information.
5. Enter a future start date.
6. Click on Create.
7. The challenge video will be uploaded to YouTube. You will receive an e-mail once the video is available. Challengers will be able to take the challenge past start date.

Pausing a challenge

Pausing a challenge will restrict challengers from taking the challenge.
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on Created under Challenges.
3. Navigate to the challenge you wish to pause.
4. Click on edit.
5. Click on pause.

Un-Pausing/ Re-launching a challenge

A paused challenge can be re-launched by following below steps:
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on Created under Challenges.
3. Navigate to the challenge you wish to re-activate.
4. Click on launch.

Deactivating a challenge

Deactivating a challenge will make the challenge invisible from Tdingo. Challengers will be unable to take, like or comment on the challenge. Please note this action cant be undone.
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on Created under Challenges.
3. Navigate to the challenge you wish to pause.
4. Click on edit.
5. Click on deactivate.
6. You will receive an e-mail confirming the de-activation. The linked YouTube video will be deleted in upto 5 days.

Taking a challenge

To take a challenge you have to be logged in. Tdingo supports videos as challenge performances.
1. Navigate to the challenge.
2. Click on take. If you havent logged-in, you will be prompted to login.
3. Click on browse to browse to your performance video or capture you performance video.
4. Provide description of your performance.
5. Click on submit.
6. The challenge performance video will be uploaded to YouTube. You will be notified on your profile once the performance video is live.

Re-taking a challenge/ Uploading a new performance

In case you wish to retake a challenge that you have already performed, you can upload a new performance. The new performance will overwrite the previous performance and the previous performance will be deleted.
1. Navigate to the challenge.
2. Click on take. If you havent logged-in, you will be prompted to login.
3. Click on browse to browse to your performance video or capture you performance video.
4. Provide description of your performance.
5. Click on submit.
6. The challenge performance video will be uploaded to YouTube. You will be notified on your profile once the performance video is live.

Deleting a performance

Deleting a performance for the challenge will remove the performance from under the challenge. Please note this action cant be undone.
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on completed under Challenges.
3. Navigate to the challenge performance you wish to delete.
4. Click on delete.

Search, recommendations and trends

There are many ways to use search on Tdingo. By searching for keywords or hashtags, you can follow find challenges of the same name or description or user who have created challenges you be interested in.

Trending challenges

Trending challenges are determined by an algorithm and present the most popular challenges on Tdingo currently. The actual no. of takers for the challenge may differ as the alogrithm determines a challenge to be trending based on current period instead of its historic uptake.

Recommended challenges

Recommended challenges appear on your profile page. They are also determined by an algorithm and, by default, are tailored for you based on the challenges that you have taken or performed. This algorithm identifies challenges that are popular now, rather than challenges that have been popular for a while or on a daily basis, to help you discover the most trending challenges of your interest on Tdingo.

Featured Challengers

Featured Challengers is Tdingo Leaderboard of the most active challengers on Tdingo. If you are on it, Wohoo! You are THE PERFORMER!


Tdingo supports video challenges.

Creating a new challenge

To create a challenge follow below steps.
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on Create Challenge.
3. Fill the required information.
4. Click on Create.
5. The challenge video will be uploaded to YouTube. You will receive an e-mail once the video is available.

Scheduling a Challenge

Challenges can be created in advance and can be auto-activated at a later date.
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on Create Challenge.
3. Fill the required information.
5. Enter a future start date.
6. Click on Create.
7. The challenge video will be uploaded to YouTube. You will receive an e-mail once the video is available. Challengers will be able to take the challenge past start date.

Pausing a challenge

Pausing a challenge will restrict challengers from taking the challenge.
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on Created under Challenges.
3. Navigate to the challenge you wish to pause.
4. Click on edit.
5. Click on pause.

Un-Pausing/ Re-launching a challenge

A paused challenge can be re-launched by following below steps:
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on Created under Challenges.
3. Navigate to the challenge you wish to re-activate.
4. Click on launch.

Deactivating a challenge

Deactivating a challenge will make the challenge invisible from Tdingo. Challengers will be unable to take, like or comment on the challenge. Please note this action cant be undone.
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on Created under Challenges.
3. Navigate to the challenge you wish to pause.
4. Click on edit.
5. Click on deactivate.
6. You will receive an e-mail confirming the de-activation. The linked YouTube video will be deleted in upto 5 days.

Taking a challenge

To take a challenge you have to be logged in. Tdingo supports videos as challenge performances.
1. Navigate to the challenge.
2. Click on take. If you havent logged-in, you will be prompted to login.
3. Click on browse to browse to your performance video or capture you performance video.
4. Provide description of your performance.
5. Click on submit.
6. The challenge performance video will be uploaded to YouTube. You will be notified on your profile once the performance video is live.

Re-taking a challenge/ Uploading a new performance

In case you wish to retake a challenge that you have already performed, you can upload a new performance. The new performance will overwrite the previous performance and the previous performance will be deleted.
1. Navigate to the challenge.
2. Click on take. If you havent logged-in, you will be prompted to login.
3. Click on browse to browse to your performance video or capture you performance video.
4. Provide description of your performance.
5. Click on submit.
6. The challenge performance video will be uploaded to YouTube. You will be notified on your profile once the performance video is live.

Deleting a performance

Deleting a performance for the challenge will remove the performance from under the challenge. Please note this action cant be undone.
1. Navigate to your profile.
2. Click on completed under Challenges.
3. Navigate to the challenge performance you wish to delete.
4. Click on delete.

Search, recommendations and trends

There are many ways to use search on Tdingo. By searching for keywords or hashtags, you can follow find challenges of the same name or description or user who have created challenges you be interested in.

Trending challenges

Trending challenges are determined by an algorithm and present the most popular challenges on Tdingo currently. The actual no. of takers for the challenge may differ as the alogrithm determines a challenge to be trending based on current period instead of its historic uptake.

Recommended challenges

Recommended challenges appear on your profile page. They are also determined by an algorithm and, by default, are tailored for you based on the challenges that you have taken or performed. This algorithm identifies challenges that are popular now, rather than challenges that have been popular for a while or on a daily basis, to help you discover the most trending challenges of your interest on Tdingo.

Featured Challengers

Featured Challengers is Tdingo Leaderboard of the most active challengers on Tdingo. If you are on it, Wohoo! You are THE PERFORMER!

Settings & Privacy

Email Preferences

Tdingo emails its challengers when new challenges are launched or information about challenges they have created or performed in. To edit your e-mail preferences:
1. Navigate to your profile
2. Click on Settings & Privacy
3. Click on Email Preferences
4. Perform your selection
5. Click on Submit

Change Password

To change your password:
1. Navigate to your profile
2. Click on Settings & Privacy
3. Click on Change Password
4. Enter current password
5. Enter new password
6. Click on Submit

Deactivate Account

If your challenges or performances are missing Deactivating a Tdingo Account will not resolve it.
1. Navigate to your profile
2. Click on Settings & Privacy
3. Click on Deactivate Account
4. Click on Deactivate
Deactivating your account will disable your profile, but will not remove your Challenger ID and photo from most things you've created on Tdingo. The challenges that you have created will no longer be active for accepting new performances, but may appear in search. Some information may still be visible to others, such as your comments, likes and performances.

You can reactivate your account as per our reactivation policy.

Banking Details

Tdingo settles incoming payments for its member clubs on a weekly basis. In order for the settlement to happen, you must provide your bank account. To update your bank account:
1. Navigate to your profile
2. Click on Settings & Privacy
3. Click on Banking Details
4. Provide required inputs (Currently enabled only for Australia)
5. Click on Save

Unable to Login?

Lost activation link

1. Navigate to homepage
2. Click on Login/ SignUp
3. Click on Resend Activation Link
4. Provide either Challenger ID or registered email provided during sign up
5. Activation link will be sent to your registered e-mail

Login and password

Forgot password
1. Navigate to homepage
2. Click on Login/ SignUp
3. Click on Forgot Login ID or Password
4. Provide either Challenger ID or registered email provided during sign up
5. Challenger ID and password reset link will be sent to your registered e-mail

Activity and Notifications

The Notifications offers a simple way to see not only how others on Tdingo are interacting with your challenges and performances, but also your actions on Tdingo Notifications appear under on your profile page. You will be notified of the following events:
1. Upon successful sign up.
2. When you take/ save a challenge.
3. When you perform a challenge.
4. When someone performs a challenge you’ve created.
5. When you like a challenge performance.
6. When someone likes your challenge performance.
7. When you comment on a challenge.
8. When someone comments on a challenge you’ve created.
9. When you comment on a challenge performance.
10. When someone comments on your challenge performance.
11. When someone takes your challenge.
12. When someone views your challenge.
13. When you like a challenge.
14. When someone likes a challenge you’ve created.

This service is enabled only for Australia and the accepted currency is AUD.

Payments Processing - Settlements

Payments collected from Tdingo Members on behalf of clubs/ individual members for the events, memberships or tournaments will be settled within 5-7 working days after payment settlement with the member.

Payments Processing - Fees

Tdingo charges each payments a processing fee of 2.50% + 0.50 AUD. Please note that this fees is non-refundable.

Banking Details

Tdingo settles incoming payments for its member clubs on a weekly basis. In order for the settlement to happen, you must provide your bank account. To update your bank account:
1. Navigate to your profile
2. Click on Settings & Privacy
3. Click on Banking Details
4. Provide required inputs (Currently enabled only for Australia)
5. Click on Save

Understanding Refund Credits on Tdingo

To simplify refund processing, Tdingo now Refund Credits for transactions that have already been settled. This feature ensures refunds are handled efficiently while aligning with the settlement process.

What Are Refund Credits?

Refund Credits are a form of account balance issued for refunds when the original transaction has been settled. They can be used for future purchases on Tdingo and provide a seamless alternative to traditional refund methods.

Key Features of Refund Credits

  • Eligibility for Refund Credits: Refund Credits are only available for settled transactions. For unsettled transactions, the usual refund process will apply.
  • Usage Flexibility: Refund Credits can be used for any future bookings and purchases on Tdingo.
  • Processing Time: Refund Credits will be applied to your account within 5–10 business days after approval.
  • Automatic Application: Credits are automatically applied to your next eligible purchase.
  • No Expiry Date: Refund Credits do not expire, allowing you to use them anytime.
  • Transaction Limits: Refund Credits can cover up to AUD 1 less than the total transaction value. For example, if your booking costs AUD 20, you can use up to AUD 19 in Refund Credits, with the remaining AUD 1 paid through another payment method.

Important Policies

  • Cancellations with Refund Credits: Bookings made using Refund Credits cannot be refunded again. This ensures the integrity of the refund process and prepares for the upcoming Club Credits feature.
  • Non-Cashable and Non-Transferable: Refund Credits are non-transferable and cannot be redeemed for cash.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What happens if I request a refund for a transaction that hasn’t been settled yet? For unsettled transactions, the usual refund process will apply. Refund Credits are only issued for settled transactions.
  • Can I transfer Refund Credits to another account or withdraw them as cash? No, Refund Credits are tied to your account and cannot be transferred or exchanged for cash.
  • How can I check my Refund Credit balance? You can view your Refund Credit balance by logging into your Tdingo account and navigating to the "Payments>>Credits" section.
  • Will Refund Credits ever expire? No, Refund Credits do not have an expiry date and can be used whenever you like.

Need Assistance?

If you have questions about Refund Credits or encounter any issues, feel free to contact our support team at

About account security

To help keep your account secure, we recommend the following best practices:
1. Use a strong password that you don’t reuse on other websites.
2. Report any unsolicited reset password link or code.
3. Be cautious of suspicious links and always make sure you’re on before you enter your login information.
4. Never give your username and password out to third parties, especially those promising to get you followers, make you money, or verify you.
5. Make sure your computer software, including your browser, is up-to-date with the most recent upgrades and anti-virus software.

Password strength

Create a strong and unique password for your Tdingo account. You should also create an equally strong and unique password for the email address associated with your Tdingo account.
1. Do create a password at least 10 characters long. Longer is better.
2. Do use use a mix of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols.
3. Do use a different password for each website you visit.
4. Do keep your password in a safe place. Consider using password management software to store all of your login information securely.
1. Do not use personal information in your password such ass phone numbers, birthdays, etc.
2. Do not use common dictionary words such as “password”, “iloveyou”, etc.
3. Do not use sequences such as ”abcd1234”, or keyboard sequences like “qwerty”.
4. Do not reuse passwords across websites. Your Tdingo account password should be unique to Tdingo.
If your account has been compromised but you're still able to log in, this page will help you secure your account and stop unwanted behaviors. If you can't log in to your account, please see email us at

Reporting Abuse

Tdingo strives to provide an environment where people can post content that inspires and motivates others. If abusive behavior happens, we want to make it easy for people to report it to us. Multiple challenges, challenge performances and comments can be included in the same report, helping us gain better context, while investigating the issues to get them resolved faster.

To report abuse for a challenge
1. Navigate to the bottom of Challenge Details page
2. Click on Report Abuse
3. Provide as much information as possible
4. Click Submit

To report abuse for anything else
1. Navigate to the footer of any page
2. Click on Report Abuse
3. Provide as much information as possible
4. Click Submit

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